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Rim-Lok Collet Chuck



Rim-Lok’s Collet Chuck line of standard collet chucks provides a fast, flexible, and cost-effective answer to your workholding needs. Designed with the second and last turning operations in mind, the Rim-Lok provides steadfast reliability in a pull-back style chuck. The lightweight, compact design fits most standard CNC lathes and the chuck can be activated using the machine’s primary cylinder.

At Forkardt, we manufacture our collet chucks to the highest standard of quality using a proprietary process that considers the material used all the way through the heat treating process. The end result is a high-quality collet with an extensive life, which will reduce collet changeover and downtime. Forkardt collets run with a repeatability of 0.0005″ TIR or better, ensuring that the collet will hold your part consistently throughout your entire machining operation.